jeudi 4 mars 2010

Rencana Abis Uan

uan uan uannn yaAllah ini nih saat2 perjuangan, TO TOnya sih udh baru senen besok mau yg ke 3 dan hasilnya yg kemaren.. jeblok wakakak, insyaAllah sih siap lah UAN. nahh kan saya terpenjara nih gara2 mau UAN, bonyok gk ngekang ato ngurung sih tapi gw sendiri yg mau ngurung, gw aja masih santai kalo dibanding ama cewe gw ya Riska dia aja kyk terpenjara gitu, weekend gk boleh jalan, hape disita, dan lain lain. semoga aja kita dapet nilai yang bagus ya dear!

nah rencana gw setelah UAN nih pengen nonton ama Riska apa kek serah terus jalan kemana kek, kalo bisa kali2 berdua aja biar asik ihiy, haha ya teruss pengen beli voucher RO terus mainin char gw ampe mampuss lvlnya tinggi, terus rutin berenang target 180cm harus bisa!!! terus mau main basket rutin juga deh biar makin jagoo, vertical training rutin, biar bentuk badan dikit ama ninggiin lompatan gw, target bisa ngedunk juga tuhh, terus apaan lagi yee, ohh iye, gw mau bujuk bokap jual tuh ps3 nyampah kasetnya cuma 2 mahal pula harganya tuker tambah ama xbox 360 kan kasetnya lebih murahan tuh yee.

dan juga, ohya bulan2 ini gw mau pindah lagi ke halim dan SEDIHNYA gw gk bisa nganterin Riska pulang ampe rumahnya as usually, bisa sih tapi kerjaan bgt gw bulak balik, insyaallah aku coba deh nanti ya sayang :D yaudah di halim nanti bonyok mau beliin kakak drum lhoo(kenapa gw yg seneng) ya lumayan bisa ngeband2 lagi kan ama si kakak, yey abis deh 2010.. kalo insyaAllah gw masuk 71 kan di kalmal tuh, terus gw dikasih motor ama sim, gw bisa main2 ke tebet kan(sekalian ngapel gitu) soalnya udh pnya motor sendiri, bodo motor2 gw ini week.

pokoknya pengen cepet2 beres UAN terus jalan2 sama Riska, ngelakuin semua hal yang pengen gw lakuin, walaupun sekolah gw beda sama si Riska mungkin bakal jauhan, tapi hati kita satu kok yang :) ya nanti kalo aku dpt motor nih aku bakal sering main ke tebet kok yang :) yasud ahhh, nothing rest to talk, see you guys on my next post!!

Libellés :

mercredi 3 mars 2010

Long Time No See!

so, how was it guys? well we're all fine don't we? haha, guess what! i'm already came back to my country! well it's an old issue but well it is. wish that no one will miss me from paris, netherland, everywhere, wish i can come back there too! well because i love all about paris, the metro, the weather, the panorama, everything!! yea yea!!

so it's all about my activity, well i can play better basketball here, but i didn't have made any graffity on the street here oh well, i wish later i will, i will make some on the highway, or maybe at redwall, don't you know it? redwall is a place where every bomber will grow, will getting up their name, it's a fame wall, i wish i hope and i beg to Allah i really really want to write some graffity over there oh my oh my!!

and, guess what!! i have permitted by my parrents to join the Indonesia Muda Basketball Club, cool right? well but i have to do my Final Exams and get to a good Senior High School first, well if i got a good mark in the exam, they will give me a permission to get a driving licence for ridding a motorbike, and so i can go to school with it and go date my girl with it cool right yea it is!! and and i can go in the midnight to the highway to make some graffity with friends, i really really have prayed and beg to Allah for it, i wish Allah have heard it and will answer it

so, nothing more to tell, now i have a girlfriend guys, call her Riska she's so pretty, kind and so caring, i have to study and take care of her too, so see you guys later on my next post, hope it will cheer up you guys

Libellés :

mercredi 1 juillet 2009

Daylight Bombing at Sceaux, France

It was a really hot day and i am about going with my friend Ryan. I was going to graffity store in paris, its so far away by my home. I bought out some mtn Alien cans Black and White so we were about searching some good spot at paris but impossible because it is tuesday.

Well we were going by the metro or subway, searching and searching but not found any spot at Paris, well we took a train dirrection Robinson and well we going off Paris, when we arrived at Robinson i was tagging some word "Move" my nickname on Graffity style.

We were searching some nice spot, we walk arround and finding some good spot in Sceaux it was really safe and lonely, so i did my quick throw

- filling the throw and watching arround "is there some peeps?"

- Making shades and lining

- Done in less than 2 mins prety good enough =D

I walked around and found some other good spot and i was also buffing some creep tag haha

- no, not finished yet. There's still some outlines and some tags

- Hand style of me and i also tag my friend in Indonesia

-Finishing outlines, spraying deo in the monster's arm pit =D

- FINISH! isn't it look good? haha

- There is Move, Rokie, Smite, and Zeus but only Move who dit it haha